Cultivation Program

The art and science of building more long-term constituent behavioral and attitudinal loyalty to your institution. 

    • Identifying constituent needs and expectations
    • Defining and delivering information and offerings that have high perceived value
    • Designing practical segmentation schema and related actions that optimize constituent attitudinal and behavioral loyalty to your institution
    • Creating an “empowerment” plan for donor-advocates that extends development and engagement activities beyond your core in-house team
    • Developing content across relevant channels for program execution


How it works: Following a 360-degree discovery process in which we gather intelligence from internal and external audiences, we use behavioral segmentation as the foundation of the plan. For each segment we then identify needs, expectations and affinities, define information and offerings that will resonate and the actions that will be used to achieve your goals. For program execution, either your team, Mach10 or a combination of the two can create the required creative assets and publish across relevant channels.


Who would benefit from this? Organizations that are experiencing less-than-optimal or even declining levels of engagement and loyalty (behavioral and attitudinal) across the constituent spectrum.